Fishponds Primary Care Centre, Beechwood Road
Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TD
0117 908 2360
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myCOPD Digital Health Champion Service

As a practice, we are now offering our patients access to the myCOPD app.

myCOPD is the complete app for patients living with COPD. Perfect your inhaler technique with our easy-to-follow inhaler videos and learn how to manage your COPD from world experts. Record daily steps and any exercise in our Activity Diary from the comfort of your home and get the very best in COPD care. As well as getting access to this fantastic app, you can also access free coaching support from the local respiratory teams to help you to get started and build your confidence when using myCOPD.

Watch this information video...

Click this link to get your FREE access to the approved NHS myCOPD app and coaching support: 
get myCOPD














By Visual Productions Ltd